3 months into 2017: an update

These days I find it hard to keep my portfolio up to date. To be honest it has been one of the hardest things over the last ten years. I need to change that, but for now, I quickly want to reflect on the last three months and what has happened and is still happening.

Right now I am working on 2 big projects I can't reveal now but one is with the talented daniela leitner in collaboration with ARS ELECTRONICA SOLUTIONS and one is with salon alpin and Reichl und Partner. We are talking about crazy set design and an amazing animation for TV.

Furthermore, I finished some smaller projects like Illustrations for an animation for PÄCKLI PUNKT swiss - which got animated by max Luczynski, some corporate identities like the one for THOUGHTS FOR FOOD in Paris and I continued the work with mark & leon who will have an online shop soon.

I am also in the middle of finishing the new brennstoff website togehter with philip reitsperger, that is going to be on air on the 10. of April and which is coded by urban trout. Brennstoff being a magazine by the great Heini Staudinger who wants to venture out into the digital. I am also working on a little commercial for neunweine.at together with from+color and stereochrome. And last but not least, I am doing illustrations for the start up riskine and continue my work with my first boss ever from widerhall

so it has been some busy weeks with lots of branding, art direction, illustration, and production. and it will continue like that. I guess that is also why I am having a hard time building a proper website. but it is a nice link list you can click through and I am happy to see that so many projects including WOW CREATIVES :)