WOW CREATIVES: form+color on their hunt for the weird

Following up on my WOW CREATIVES series, I thought it is time to write about a fun collaboration between a designer and a 3D nerd: FORM+COLOR. Over the last months, I collaborated with them on some crazy visualizations for projects. 3d illustrations that cross the lines between, real and surreal, commercial and art. Both very shy they let their visuals speak for themselves. find them online or on instagram and read up on a few interview questions below.

August is coming and I will take a month off. so enjoy the summer and I will be back with more posts, projects, pictures, and news in September!

form+color's best place to work: 
form: home office with a batch of energy drinks and to listening to some dull 80s action movie in the background.
color: in front of the sketchbook, in front of the cintiq, in front of the computer.

daily routine:  
routine changes every day, but mainly:
wake up early, work on commercial projects, work on free projects, check in with each other, drink beer, have good food, do it all over again

form and colors insight (for whatever):  
visual idea ping pong is key. 
sometimes we start with form, sometimes with color but for sure it is a back and forth.
renderfarms in your office during summer = too hot of a working environment!

book them for: 
mind-boggling 3D montages, insane illustrations and whimsical 3D visuals